Timeless Tales

Presented by Story Institute

Shared Writing

From our many contests and many submissions, Story Institute brings you a collection of poems and short stories. Writers from around the globe have shared their works with us. We, in turn, share them with you.

If you wish to view just the poems, or perhaps prefer the short stories, click on the links to the side. Enjoy the shared creativity.

Poem - Cole Ridge Poem - Joy Sheppard

By: Joy Sheppard

Blythe gale,
Peasants to hail,
Why canst thou fling free?
Soar over the churning sea in wild ecstasy?
Must you always salt my soars?
Bitter struggle tasted by scores
Inflicted by you, the curses rebound
Upon the shipwrecked Sound
Enslaving master and taskman alike
Oh, wild spirit, why not burst the dike
And fly home?
To roam

Shared Poems - Poems and Verses from Story Institute contests and publications

Shared Short Stories - Short Stories from Story Institute contests and publications

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